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Environmental protection control standards for imported waste


The current environmental control standard was first published in 1996 and first revised in 2005. Over the years, the implementation of standards has played an important role in strengthening the environmental management of imported solid waste, preventing the environmental pollution risks caused by imported wastes and their inclusions, and building and maintaining a normal trade order for the import of solid waste. With the rapid development of China's economy and society, the environmental risks brought by imported solid waste have become more prominent in recent years, and the current environmental control standards control requirements have been unable to adapt to and meet the current new situation and new requirements of environmental management. The background and necessity of this standard revision are mainly:

First, the need for reform of the import management system for solid waste. Prohibiting the entry of foreign garbage and promoting the reform of the import management system for solid waste is related to the overall situation of China's ecological civilization construction, and is the need to build a beautiful China and protect the health of the people. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it. On April 18, the Central Committee comprehensively deepened the 34th meeting of the Leading Group for Reform, and reviewed and approved the Implementation Plan for the Reform of the Import of Solid Waste Import Management System. On July 18, the General Office of the State Council officially issued the “Implementation Plan for the Reform of the Import Management System for the Prohibition of Foreign Waste Imports into Solid Wastes” (Guo Ban Fa [2017] No. 70, hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Plan”), requiring further tightening of standards and revision. "Environmental Control Standards for Importing Solid Wastes That Can Be Used as Raw Materials", and tightening the control index of entrained materials. The Ministry of Environmental Protection revised the “Environmental Protection Control Standard for Imported Solid Wastes as Raw Materials” to implement the above requirements.

The second is the need to effectively reduce the risk of environmental pollution from imported waste. According to statistics, since 2013, the customs anti-smuggling department has seized 338 cases of smuggling of foreign garbage by means of false reports and shackles, and verified 1.25 million tons of waste involved. In 2016, the import of solid waste was about 46.58 million tons. The main types of imported waste were waste paper, waste plastics and waste hardware, accounting for 88.9%. According to the requirements of inclusion content in the current environmental control standards, the total amount of the above three types of imported solid waste inclusions is nearly 600,000 tons, and it is basically non-useable waste that needs harmless disposal, and it has severely occupied China's limited environmental capacity. Its treatment and disposal also seriously threaten the ecological and environmental security of our country. A large number of unqualified solid wastes and smuggled imported waste cases show that imported waste not only causes the risk of environmental pollution to become increasingly severe, but also has the risk of endangering the health of the people, and has a bad social impact. It is necessary to establish strict environmental protection standards to control .